I thought for replace new passport after missing it will take long time to do it. Lepas baca dekat blog semua, most of people said paling cepat sebulan. But yesterday, I went to Jabatan Imigresen isi borang semua, next week diorang cakap dah boleh pick-up. Okay so wow, tak la lama mana kan. Process dia pun tidak la serumit macam baca dalam blog orang lain tu. Yes, nanti I akan update macam mana boleh hilang passport dekat China hari tu, macam mana pula I handle all the things and macam mana process nak buat passport baru dekat Malaysia. Sebab ramai tak tahu, Stay tuned. (tapi when? I also not sure. Hah)
Settle all the things. Lapar la kan sebab tak ambil breakfast pun sebelum keluar. I straight to Calories KL cafe to take my brunch because its just nearer the Jabatan Imigresen.
Calories Kl Cafe. One of my favourite cafe to chill out.