Last Saturday I went to Kuala Terengganu to attend Majlis Sambut Menantu at my fiancé house. That is abg Faried (my fiancé bro) is just married last week. Just a small event because they will combine their wedding reception with mine that is on grooms side reception this coming December.
So, my fiancé asked me to join this Majlis Sambut Menantu with wearing same colour theme like his family side, light purple.
While waiting flight to Kuala Terengganu, I'm so nervous. Really. Yela, my fiancé cakap ramai aunties & cousins dia datang. Haih. Plus its the first time I'm going to his house. What I'm going to do?
But, after all. Alhamdulillah. They are so sporting & layan I baik. Tak rasa macam orang asing. Especially, my fiancé siblings, mama & ayah.
so, I feel so blessed & grateful :')
Till here, Hana